
Taking Control of Your Diabetes a non-profit organization, holds conferences with health fairs throughout the U.S., including Hawaii. There are many inspirational speakers, a variety of vendors promoting their products, and roving medical professionals to answer your endless questions. TCOYD’s aim is to educate and empower people with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes and their caregivers.

Dogs are trained to sniff out low blood sugars and other health problems...
Read the New York Times article

Pump Wear, Inc. New Zipps are great for allowing tubing to flow from the back of the case hiding the tubing.  They are also great for IPODS and all kinds of devices.

dLife Community has information for Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics.  It is free to join.  There are numerous recipes, making meal planning easy and nutritional information. One's able to ask diabetes-related questions, watch several TV segments, get the latest diabetes news, research, and more.  http://diabetescommunity.dlife.com.

Note: Links are provided for your convenience in seeking information about diabetes. Cheryl Lynn Kantzer Crane does not warrant or necessarily support the advice or products that may be offered on these sites.
